Venue: ย Redlands Baseball Club, Duncan Rd, Capalaba

Date: Tuesday 5th October

Time 6.15pm Registration

Links required to complete your accreditation:

You will need to have completed the AIS General Principles component of the Community Umpire Programme. This you should have completed prior to attending the seminar, if this is not the case you will need to go to the link below to complete:

Further, you will need to complete the sport specific part of the programme which is the Community Little League Exam. This must be achieved within 3 weeks of your attendance at the seminar. You will find the exam on the QBUA web site; :

  • Go to the home page on the right side you will find a short cut link to the exam.

You will need to have completed these elements and obtain a 70% pass mark prior to your accreditation being confirmed.