Baseball Queensland (BQ) is committed to continuing to improve the services we provide to our baseball players in Queensland. We are particularly focused on opportunities that are relevant and add value, therefore I am pleased to advise that the Queensland Academy of Sport (QAS) has maintained our funding for BQ’s High Performance (HP) programs, staff and athletes.
We are pleased to continue to build on the success seen in 2019 with the increase of participants in our HP programs, as well as the direct successful outcomes of our emerging and developing athletes at the Australian Championships.
Baseball Queensland continue to represent our National Team in 2019-20 with nine (9) Queenslander representatives and three (3) coaches competing in the first round of the Premier Twelve event, the qualification event for the Tokyo 2020.
BQ continue to service the athletes within our High-Performance pathway programs with the focus of providing Queensland athletes the resources to excel at the National level. Shayne Watson, the Athlete Development/High Performance Manager and his coaching group, continue to work towards the vision of “Building a better future for baseball.”
Baseball Queensland CEO, Paul Gonzalez states:
“Through the continued support of the Queensland Academy of Sport, Baseball Queensland continues to lead towards holistic outcomes for our athletes both on and off the playing field.
Baseball Queensland is committed to the future of the game and with the continued support of the QAS, this leverage enables the sport to progress towards long-term positive outcomes.”
We acknowledge the support that the Queensland Academy of Sport continues to show Baseball Queensland and are excited to see our programs evolve.
Thank you
Kind regards,
Paul Gonzalez
Chief Executive Officer