After Friday’s Special General Meeting, the BQ Board are asking for Club Presidents to nominate, to their applicable Regional President, a delegate who has expressed interest in participating in the Constitution Review Subcommittee, to be headed by a Baseball QLD Board Director yet to be determined.

Each Regional Committee will then nominate one (1) member for appointment to the committee to be ratified by the Board of Baseball QLD. The subcommittee with the appointed responsible Director will be included in finalising the subcommittee’s terms of reference for approval by the Board. I have attached a draft terms of reference document to assist with an understanding of the type of work the committee will be tasked with. These terms of reference will be reviewed by the committee once appointed, with the Board considering any recommended changes put forward by the subcommittee.

The Subcommittee will then present recommendations to the Board and Regional Delegates to be ratified through a Special General Meeting in the future.

Given the nature of the task, the ideal candidates will have experience or expertise in Corporate Governance, Operating Not for Profit Organisations and an understanding of the current structure of Baseball Queensland.

Regional Presidents, please email with your nominations by COB 10 August 2020.

Terms of Reference – Constitution Review Committee