Baseball Queensland (BQ) is delighted to announce a partnership with Acceleration. This partnership will see Acceleration engage with BQ through player pathway programs providing strength and conditioning programs.
Acceleration’s vision for Baseball Queensland athletes is to ensure all our athletes become faster, stronger and healthier than in previous years.
Acceleration will be providing sessions within the areas of Speed development, Strength development, Injury reduction sessions, Educational sessions and other holistic physical development strategies for our athletes through the player pathway.
Shayne Watson, BQ’s High Performance Manager, is delighted to be partnering with Acceleration and knows that their involvement will give our athletes a greater opportunity to succeed.
“Continuing and evolving our working relationship with Acceleration, BQ has partnered with this credible organization again this year to assist with the delivery and designing of our Strength & Conditioning Programs throughout the Pathway. Partnering again with Acceleration, but through a long-term agreement, we will have access to their accredited Strength & Conditioning coaches providing opportunities for an increased number of athletes fostering a Long-Term Athlete Development framework. “
Managing Director for Acceleration, Stewart Briggs is excited to grow the relationship with Baseball Queensland and see our athletes grow from strength to strength.
Baseball is dear to the hearts of Acceleration. Not only do we have a player amongst our staff in Daniel Nilsson, but I also have fond memories of training my first US College Conference Championship team with the sport of baseball. I also feel that Acceleration plays a vital role in a development of baseball players, because a baseball player MUST be able to hit and throw a baseball to an adequate level to be able to move up through the ranks of the sport. That probably makes your training sessions with Acceleration one of your most important sessions of the week in terms of improving performance today and into the future. To have the opportunity to work with Baseball Queensland is so exciting because we feel that we can help many young baseball players through the various programs we have organised together.
Baseball Queensland is determined to build a better future for baseball. This begins with having healthy and strong bodies take the field. BQ CEO, Paul Gonzalez knows the impact that quality strength and conditioning can make on the individual athlete.
“Exposing our athletes to industry leaders in strength & conditioning through reputable providers who are passionate about our sport is essential. Our partnership with Acceleration will provide fantastic opportunities for not only the individuals in our player pathway to become better athletes but will see a collective improvement across our representative teams and programs.”
Acceleration begins their involvement with Baseball Queensland’s State Performance Squads this month.