Masters Baseball is on it’s way to the Gold Coast at the same great
value as last year!
Mark the calendars and get your team registered for the Queensland
Masters Games tournament being held on the Gold Coast on Friday
the 22nd to Monday the 25th of April 2022.
Register your team or as an individual within the age groups 35+,
45+, 55+ to secure your place for the tournament. Minimum age for
competition is 35 years for men and 25 years for women.
Games will be hosted by both the Surfers Paradise Baseball Club and
Robina Baseball Club in a bid to provide fantastic facilities for the
Queensland Masters Games.
Fee Structure
Sport Fee: $200.00 per team – Players Fees / Competitor $100.00 per player Team entries
close: Friday 8th March 2022 or once the maximum capacity of 12 teams is reached.
Individual entries close: Monday 18th April 2022 (11:59pm AEST)
For more information and registration stay tuned to